Speedy Lien, Inc.: The Pioneers of Lien Filing for the Construction Industry. In the fast-paced world of construction, where deadlines are tight and payments can be elusive, one company has been at the forefront of protecting the financial interests of contractors, suppliers, and other industry professionals for over three decades. Speedy Lien, Inc., the first […]
As a real estate broker or sales agent, securing your commission is vital, especially when working on a large commercial lease. Fortunately, New York Lien Law provides a legal remedy if you are not paid for your services. Under New York Lien Law § 10, brokers and sales agents have the right to file a […]

How to Satisfy a Mechanic’s Lien in New York After Receiving Payment: Trust Speedy Lien to Handle It Receiving payment after filing a mechanic’s lien is a significant victory for contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. However, the process doesn’t end there. Once payment is received, the lien must be satisfied to clear the record and avoid […]

Understanding New Jersey Mechanic’s Lien (also known as Construction Lien Claims CLC). Construction projects often involve multiple parties, from property owners and general contractors to subcontractors and suppliers. When payments are delayed or withheld, those who have worked on or supplied materials to a construction project in New Jersey can protect their right to payment through a mechanic’s […]

Are you owed money for construction services? File a New Jersey Mechanic’s Lien with Speedy Lien. Call today for a free consultation of your lien rights.
Filing a construction lien claim, also known as a mechanic’s lien, is a crucial step for contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers to ensure they receive payment for their work or materials supplied on a construction project. In New Jersey, the process for filing a construction lien on a commercial property involves specific steps and adherence to […]
Navigating the Mechanic’s Lien Process When a Client Refuses Final Payment In the construction industry, receiving prompt and complete payment for services rendered is crucial for maintaining business operations and fulfilling financial obligations to subcontractors and suppliers. Unfortunately, there are instances when a client, despite initially expressing satisfaction with the work, delays or refuses to […]

Understanding New York State’s Lien Law Time Limits and the Importance of Filing a Mechanic’s Lien for Non-Payment. Introduction New York State’s lien laws are a vital tool for construction professionals and contractors to protect their rights and ensure they are compensated for their work. One essential aspect of these laws is the mechanic’s lien, […]

When it comes to securing payment for construction services rendered, filing a mechanic’s lien is a powerful tool. In New York, the process to file a Mechanic’s Lien can be complex, but with Speedy Lien, you have a trusted partner to guide you every step of the way. Here’s what you need to know about […]

Discharging or Vacating a Mechanic’s Lien by Surety Bond Are you a property owner or general contractor? Was a Mechanic’s Lien or Construction Lien Claim filed against your project or property. Is the lien claim false? Amounts wrong or over exaggerated? Is the lien now impeding your project and causing you negative consequences? Instead of settling the lien, […]