Unpaid Broker's Commission Lien

We request Speedy Lien, Inc. to prepare and file a Unpaid Broker’s Commission Mechanic’s Lien on our behalf as our agent. The information we provided is true and correct and we assume responsibility in the event information provided is incorrect. The filing fee is $575.00 



(Commercial Office, Retail, Industrial, Etc.)
14 - Do You Have a Signed Agreement?

I/We agree to pay Speedy Lien Inc. $575.00 for their services and agree that services commence upon their receipt of this document. I/We are aware that Speedy Lien Inc. is liable to the extent of the cost of the Mechanic's Lien in the event of error. I/We are aware that information contained in this document is the proprietary right of Speedy Lien Inc. and will not be sent to any entity other than Speedy Lien Inc. I/We are aware that any unauthorized use of this document is a violation of law and Speedy Lien Inc. will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.


Paying by Credit or Debit Card, Complete the Following:

If Paying By Check:

Check Payable to: Speedy Lien, Inc. Print Satisfaction Request, Prepare Check and Email DN@SpeedyLienInc.com 

Or Fax: 516-679-6703