Call Speedy Lien, the mechanic’s lien experts. We are the Speedy Lien Team; we have your back.
Dillon Nash, Executive Vice President
Speedy Lien, Inc.
212-203-7420 or 516-679-6702 EXT. 104

Construction Lien Claim Filings in New Jersey. Secure Your Money with Speedy Lien, Inc. Introduction Construction professionals in New Jersey, your hard work deserves to be paid fairly and promptly. Yet, the construction industry often faces challenges with delayed or disputed payments. That’s where Speedy Lien, Inc. comes to your aid. In this blog post, […]
Call the mechanic’s lien experts at Speedy Lien.
Dillon Nash, Executive Vice President
Speedy Lien, Inc.
212-203-7420 or 516-679-6702 EXT. 104